What is The Grocery?

I publish stories once a month about makers and creators. Occasionally, you’ll find my ramblings in your inbox about a certain food, restaurant, or a product I’m in love with and why. Consider this space like a grocery haul, let’s talk about it.

Why The Grocery?

I tend to get really excited when sharing what my friends are working on - whether it’s launching a business, a product, an event, or an exhibition - so much so that the listener and I reach a shared level of peak enthusiasm.

It is a beautiful thing, the power of connection, and you can expect to take away something from an introduction published by The Grocery, with an opportunity to make an introduction yourself. So, if any story has you thinking “I can do that”, or “I should introduce [insert name here]”, that’s what we’re here for, connection.

Subscribe to The Grocery by Rebecca Lee

Let's talk about dining, people and things I love, and why.